
中大向校友E. 尤金·摩尔为未来的E. 尤金摩尔制造和生物技术解决方案中心

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点击放大,中央卡罗莱纳社区学院校友E. 尤金·摩尔(左)因200万美元获奖 gift to his alma mater with the naming of the future E. 尤金·摩尔制造和生物技术解决方案中心. 与摩尔合照的是, 从左到右:他的妻子, Ruby; 在线电子游戏网赌基金会主席Lynda Turbeville; 中国中交会会长杨志强博士. 莉莎米. 查普曼.


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院校友E. 尤金·摩尔(左)因200万美元获奖 ... (更多)

点击放大,中央卡罗莱纳社区学院校友E. 尤金·摩尔因200万美元获奖 gift to his alma mater with the naming of the future E. 尤金·摩尔制造和生物技术解决方案中心. 这是摩尔在未来中心前的照片.


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院校友E. 尤金·摩尔因200万美元获奖 ... (更多)

点击放大,中央卡罗莱纳社区学院校友E. 尤金·摩尔因200万美元获奖 gift to his alma mater with the naming of the future E. 尤金·摩尔制造和生物技术解决方案中心. Pictured are, left to right: Nicole Allen (摩尔's daughter); E. 尤金·摩尔, 莫妮卡·珀维斯(摩尔的女儿), 露比·摩尔(摩尔的妻子), 查德·摩尔(摩尔的儿子), 在线电子游戏网赌基金会主席Lynda Turbeville, 中国中交会会长杨志强博士. 莉莎米. 查普曼.


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院校友E. 尤金·摩尔因200万美元获奖 ... (更多)

01.26.2022大学 & 社区大学一般基金会

桑福德,N.C. ——中央卡罗莱纳社区学院校友. 尤金·摩尔因200万美元获奖 gift to his alma mater with the naming of the future E. 尤金·摩尔制造和生物技术解决方案中心. 该中心将位于前马瑞利工厂.

摩尔, 他在贝尔克里克长大,现在住在桑福德, is Chief Executive Officer of Bear Creek Arsenal (BCA) - an international company located in Sanford which has customers in all 50 states and other countries as well.

"Mr. 作为在线电子游戏网赌的校友,摩尔是慷慨的典范. 他的捐款将支持许多奖学金, 额外购买最先进的设备, and an endowed faculty position (the first at 在线电子游戏网赌) -- the complete package necessary to ensure more students successfully complete their educational goals,中国中交会会长杨志强博士说. 莉莎米. 查普曼.

此外,奥巴马先生. 摩尔的捐款也将有助于对E. 尤金摩尔制造和生物技术解决方案中心. This Center will enhance our response to expanding and relocating company needs -- whether it's customized training, 通识教育计划, 临时工作空间, 或者其他资源, E. 尤金·摩尔中心将成为区域中心. 查普曼. ”因此,. 摩尔's donation will not only provide opportunities for many of our local residents, 它还将有助于维持李县非凡的经济增长. 多么伟大的遗产啊!"

H. 小朱利安·菲尔波特.中交所校董会主席刘先生指出. 摩尔 is a wonderful example of a person who took supreme advantage of his education and training from 在线电子游戏网赌 and turned it into a highly successful business and manufacturing career. His most generous gift to the 在线电子游戏网赌 基金会 is a wonderful investment in the 大学 that will assist students in accessing outstanding educational opportunities and reaching their career goals. 他的捐款将有助于中交所, 我们的学生, 我们的行业从欧盟获得了最大的教育和培训收益. 尤金摩尔制造和生物技术解决方案中心, the new name for the former Magneti Marelli property that our Lee County Commissioners generously acquired for the benefit of the 大学.

“我们觉得E. 尤金摩尔制造和生物技术解决方案中心 will be an exceptional driver of economic growth in Lee County and our service area for years to come. 我们非常感谢. 摩尔's generous donation that will help students' educational and career dreams become realities,菲尔波特说.

摩尔 became a 在线电子游戏网赌 student in Fall 1969, as soon as his tour in Vietnam with SeaBee Team 0914 ended. “那所学校比现在小得多,摩尔说。, who studied Tool and Die Making when the school was known as Central Carolina Technical Institute. "The teachers were all very good and very interested in helping the students learn."

摩尔 remembers school personnel Ray Epley, Robert Brown, Jerry Stevens, and Percy West. “同学们都很好,”摩尔说. “它有一种非常‘社区’的感觉."

摩尔认为在线电子游戏网赌的教育对他的职业生涯很有帮助. “CCTI, 这是当时的叫法, gave both hands-on experience in the shop area and classroom studies that complemented the shop area,摩尔说。. “教室里有绘画之类的区域, 阅读蓝图, 冶金, which has been very helpful and areas that would have taken much longer to acquire this knowledge without the formal education."

摩尔, 谁1971年春天毕业的, 然后开始了他的生意——最初只有两个人做修理工作.


  • 1984年至2015年, 他的生意是为一家全球非公路系统集团分包机械加工, manufacturing components that supplied equipment to off-highway construction and mining work. Some of the components were on equipment two miles underground in diamond mines - and 摩尔's business was the only company in the world manufacturing these parts.
  • 1986年至2015年, his business did subcontract machining for an international automotive company that supplied finished assemblies to the automotive manufacturers, 能够提供超过400个,根据需要,每周000个零件.
  • 1989年至2005年, his business supplied painted and machined parts to an international company that markets and sells power tools. For over 10 years, 摩尔's business was the largest supplier to a 2,300-person assembly plant.

“我们一直希望拥有自己的产品. 多年来, 我们生产的零件/设备上印有其他公司的名字,摩尔说。, adding that BCA was formed in 2013 using the personnel and equipment that had been used in 摩尔's Machine Company Inc. 让这个梦想成为现实.

BCA grew from 300 employees in January 2019 to as many as 762 employees in 2020 and 2021.

摩尔把公司的成功归功于优秀的人才. 摩尔说:“善良的人总会得到回报. "Three main areas make up a good company - good people, good facility, and good customers. 只要BCA留住优秀人才, BCA将迎接不断变化的世界的挑战,摩尔说。.

"Having good people allowed us to grow the capabilities of our facility and as we grow our facility, 我们可以增加更多的人. As we add better people, we are able to grow and increase our customer base,摩尔说。.

摩尔和他的妻子露比有三个孩子——查德·摩尔, 莫妮卡普维斯, 和妮可·艾伦, 还有八个孙子孙女——梅格, 塔克, 美女, 芬恩, 蒙哥马利, 奥利弗, 哈泼·李, 和Glosson.

“桑福德正在经历一个前所未有的经济增长时期. 高薪技术职业的绝佳机会正在到来,琳达·特贝维尔说, 在线电子游戏网赌基金会主席.

奥巴马的捐赠所产生的影响. 摩尔和他的家族将在这个社区代代相传. There is no way to quantify the number of students and families who will see their lives changed through education and careers. It is seldom that one has the opportunity to meet someone with the vision of Mr. 摩尔. 我仍然对他无私的慷慨感到敬畏和谦卑。.

Dr. 艾米丽C. 在线电子游戏网赌基金会执行董事黑尔表示,她很感谢刘先生. 摩尔对母校的慷慨. "E. 尤金·摩尔 is a prime example of a student who took full advantage of his educational experiences at 在线电子游戏网赌 and exceled to build an international company. 他的成功故事鼓舞了所有人. 和, 通过他的成功, his financial support will help to boost the 大学 and the Central Carolina community by aiding both current and future generations."

在线电子游戏网赌基金会是一家501(c)(3)慈善组织, 但是独立于, 学院. It receives donations of money and equipment on behalf of 在线电子游戏网赌 and uses them to promote the educational mission of 学院 and assist students through scholarships and grants.

“我们取得了成功, 这在很大程度上要归功于在线电子游戏网赌和社区,摩尔在谈到回馈学院的重要性时说. "It is our desire to make our world, our country, our community, a better place to live and work in. 这不仅需要更好的教育, but also the right education for the people in our community to be able to achieve an improvement in people's lives. 更好的教育也会带来更高收入的工作, 高薪工作带来更好的生活方式, 更安全的环境, 渴望成为更好的公民, 以及抚养一个好家庭的能力.

"Having more educated and trained people locally will make our community more appealing to corporations and businesses to locate to our area. 我们社区里的企业越多, 我们社区里的人们就会有更多薪水更高的工作,摩尔说。. "The more better paying jobs and the more successful companies we have in the community, 我们的社区就会变得更好. 这将使我们拥有优秀的公立学校, 伟大的医疗保健, 也是我们市民的一大娱乐活动."

摩尔说,他非常鼓励其他人为中交会捐款. "The more we contribute to 在线电子游戏网赌, the more and faster 在线电子游戏网赌 can grow,摩尔说。. “在线电子游戏网赌发展得越多,就有越多的人可以为他们改善教育."

有关向在线电子游戏网赌基金会捐款的信息,请联系Dr. 艾米丽C. 在线电子游戏网赌基金会执行董事,电话:919-718-7230 ehare@femdomcenter.com.