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在线电子游戏网赌 hosts Prep for Success Academy for prospective students

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Click to enlarge,  Student Ashjamel Revels, left, 在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的成功预科学院,她有机会尝试口腔内摄影, 口腔卫生诊所经理丹尼尔·布鲁纳作为病人,学术教练阿什利·马林斯看着电脑屏幕上显示的图像.

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学生Ashjamel Revels(左)在准备期间得到了尝试口腔内摄影的机会 ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  With students Afia Sarpong, left, and LeeAnn Lilly watching the monitor, 牙科卫生临床协调员梅西伍兹演示了如何定位相机来获得牙科专业人员用来治疗病人的数字图像.

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With students Afia Sarpong, left, and LeeAnn Lilly watching the monitor, dental hygiene clinical coordinator ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  Danielle Bruner, left, 在为期四天的成功预科学院期间,帮助未来的学生介绍牙科辅助和牙科卫生方面的职业. 其中一个实践演示是由学术教练阿什利·穆林斯和学生珍妮·杜克主持的口腔内摄影课程, at right, watching the process unfold.

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Danielle Bruner, left, helped introduce prospective students to careers in dental assisting and dental ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  今年夏天,在“成功预备学院”的学生们正在检查一颗牙齿,教练丹妮尔·布鲁纳(Danielle Bruner)在她长达一小时的口腔内摄影示范中拍摄了一颗牙齿. The four-day academy is a mix of dental education, 为认真考虑中央卡罗莱纳社区学院竞争激烈的牙科项目的学生提供学术咨询和大学招聘.

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在今年夏天的成功预备学院,学生们正在检查一颗牙齿,教练正在给他们拍照 ... (more)

08.18.2022Admin, Faculty & StaffCollege & CommunityCollege GeneralCurriculum Programs

By William S. "Chip" Pate, 在线电子游戏网赌 Marketing Correspondent

桑福德——当丹尼尔·布鲁纳(Danielle Bruner)检查口腔时,所有人都盯着电脑显示器.

中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的口腔卫生临床协调员使用嵌入在一英尺长的白色魔杖中的专用相机,她的一名学生作为她的病人,在口腔和牙齿周围旋转, 不时停下来指出口腔解剖结构,甚至是午餐剩下的一小片生菜.

Along the journey, Bruner answered plenty of questions. She talked about what she would tell her patient based on what she was seeing. 她对作为一名牙科保健师的真实工作情况发表了自己的看法. There were plenty of stories along the way, too; some were funny and others, well, let's just say they were not for the squeamish.

这个长达一小时的口腔内摄影课程是“成功预备学院”的一部分, a four-day, 暑期计划旨在向未来的学生介绍牙科辅助和牙科卫生方面的职业,特别是代表牙科专业急需的各种少数民族的学生.

所有围在牙科椅旁参加口腔内摄影介绍的学生都是通过申请程序选出的在线电子游戏网赌学生, complete with an essay and letter of recommendation. Once admitted, 他们可以参加整个星期的免费讲习班,讨论广泛的牙科主题, 如何在大学里取得更大的成功,以及如何最好地驾驭在线电子游戏网赌竞争激烈的牙科项目申请过程.

Think of Prep for Success Academy as a mix of dental education, academic counseling and college recruiting.

Amy Gustavson, 谁在前一天做了一小时的时间管理和自我宣传讲座, 他说,许多参与者都是第一代大学生,他们试图在竞争激烈的学术项目中找到方向. 去年,有100多名学生申请了在线电子游戏网赌口腔卫生专业的18个名额, she said, 他们是根据分数制度选出来的,分数制度奖励学生的学术准备和实际活动,这些活动表明学生对参加大学牙科课程是认真的. 通过了解这个过程的复杂性,他们可以最大限度地提高被录取的机会.

But it's not just about exploring dental professions and gaining admission. As its name suggests, 为成功做准备还可以帮助学生建立彼此之间的社区意识,并与大学教职员工建立联系,这将有助于他们在校园取得成功.

利内特·埃尔南德斯·罗德里格斯(Linette Hernandez Rodriguez)是在线电子游戏网赌的第二年学生,在收到一封电子邮件邀请后,她申请了“成功准备”(Prep for Success)——这封邮件听起来太棒了,她几乎把这个机会当作某种骗局而不予理睬. Though she's just halfway through the four days, 埃尔南德斯·罗德里格斯说,这次经历已经增强了她对口腔卫生的兴趣. She's now focused on finishing one prerequisite class, 继续建立对成功至关重要的关系网,完善她在3月份提交的申请.

在她的内心深处,她一直在考虑最终成为一名正畸医生的想法. 不过现在,她完全专注于准备成为一名牙科保健师.

李安·莉莉(LeeAnn Lilly)在牙科学校有人打电话问她是否愿意尝试后,已经申请学习牙科辅助,并报名参加了“成功预备”课程. The answer was a resounding yes. From the time she had a good experience with braces as a child, she thought this might be something she'd enjoy as a career. It matched her interests and her personality. Plus, as she puts it, "The whole mouth-thing never bothered me." But this was a chance to see for sure.

For Lilly, the experience was captivating from the start. 进入这一周,她期待着被牙科的“来龙去脉”所吸引. 她没有预料到的是,所有的牙科教师和学生都很喜欢他们花时间来教室, get to know the participants and then share real encouragement and insight. "It's definitely given me more interest," she said, "and a drive to do better."

TRiO Student Support Services Director Jessica Rogers, who organized Prep for Success Academy, said this is the first time it has been offered, but won't be the last. Already, 计划明年再次向牙科专业提供这一课程——同样的动手实验室, higher-education workshops and success coaching.

On the other hand, 明年可能会有更多的东西可以提供:从本周发生的事情中得到启发的任何即将入学的牙科学生的见解. Because these students are already seeing themselves as part of a community.

After the intraoral photography clinic and just before the day ended, Bruner gathered students together in a circle. They went around, one by one, each student saying something she was thankful for. And then they put their hands into the center and counted, "One. Two Three. Go team!"

For more information on 在线电子游戏网赌 TRiO Student Support Services, visit For more information on 在线电子游戏网赌 Dental programs, visit