
Dr. 约翰·威廉姆森建立了两项在线电子游戏网赌基金会捐赠

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点击放大. 约翰·威廉森(中)拜访他的表妹琳达·F·威廉森. 桑福德大学的特贝维尔(左) as the 在线电子游戏网赌 基金会 Chair, and Dr. 艾米丽C. 兔子(右),在线电子游戏网赌基金会执行理事.


Dr. 约翰·威廉森(中)拜访他的表妹琳达·F·威廉森. 桑福德大学的特贝维尔(左) ... (更多)

09.15.2022大学 & 社区大学一般基金会

桑福德-博士. 约翰·威廉森, 戴维森的, has established 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 endowments in memory of his wife and in honor of his cousin.

Dr. 威廉姆森, 戴维森学院生物学荣誉退休教员, 为纪念他已故的妻子设立了一项奖学金, 玛西娅·范杜森·威廉姆森, 另一个是为了纪念他的堂兄, 琳达F. Sanford的Turbeville,担任在线电子游戏网赌基金会主席.

Dr. 威廉姆森 says that he and his wife were raised working on farms and they knew that they wanted to have more opportunities. “教育是我们实现这些机会的途径. 我在高中学习成绩优异,获得了N的奖学金.C. 状态. I received a degree in Biology and received a fellowship to attend Cornell University. I met Marcia while I was in Ithaca working on my Masters' and we married and had our first child there,他说.

"Marcia had attended business/secretarial school in Rochester so she helped support our family by typing dissertations and theses for other graduate students. 在我们共同的生活中, 她是我所有事情的搭档,包括养家, 靠教授的薪水过活, 存钱买房,供三个孩子上大学. 当我在美国找不到工作时,她支持了我.S. 完成我的博士学位后.D. and we moved to Canada -- the farthest we had ever been from our families,他说.

他们曾经是空巢老人. 威廉姆森说,他们去了美国.S. 和加拿大探亲访友. "I got interested in genealogy when I retired and we met more relatives than I knew existed,他说. “玛西娅总是准备好去公路旅行,去见新的亲戚. Marcia was also my favorite bridge partner -- we learned to play while in Ithaca and as we got older, 我们打得很有竞争力. 我们把对游戏和纸牌的热爱传给了我们的孩子和孙子."

那是在一次家谱活动上,他遇到了琳达·F. Turbeville. "I met Lynda at a meeting of the Genealogy Society of Southeastern North Carolina when we were both working on our family pedigrees. 我们惊讶地发现我们是亲戚,他说, noting that they found her great-grandmother and his great-grandfather were siblings. “我认识琳达的时间不长, but I will tell you that she is a fiercely independent woman who has a heart of gold and is always willing to help people."

Ms. Turbeville said her cousin is one of the most intelligent people she has ever known. "Yet, he is so down to earth and I have enjoyed many wonderful conversations with him. He has been an invaluable help to me in researching my family's genealogy and very generous in sharing his research with others,她说.

[中交基金会执行理事]杨志强博士. 艾米丽Carter 兔子 called one day and told me that she would like to come by my home to tell me something. I had no idea that she had been working with John to endow a scholarship in my honor. My husband, Samuel Gaskins, was aware of it but they were all good at keeping the secret,女士说。. Turbeville. “当艾米丽告诉我的时候,我惊呆了,然后哭了起来. It was the most incredibly generous gift that I have ever received -- to know that there will always be a scholarship at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 to assist single mothers to obtain their educational goals. 我仍然对琳达·F·肯尼迪的荣誉感到谦卑. 特贝维尔单身母亲奖学金.

“最近,我收到了今年奖学金获得者的来信. She told me of the financial struggles that she has faced with raising a young child and that she could not see how she was going to continue. “我没有钱,没有希望,心里充满了悲伤.' She was then awarded the scholarship and will continue her studies to become a nurse. 'I will be able to give back and serve my community as well as take care of my daughter.' My heart was so full to know that Cousin John's incredible gift to me is helping other people to change their lives,女士说。. Turbeville.

Dr. 威廉森对他的教学生涯有着美好的回忆, 包括教大一新生,帮助他们了解大学生活. "I always encouraged them to take advantage of the courses available to them, to branch out and take classes that weren't in their field but were of interest to them. I also encouraged them to talk to the professors by attending office hours or staying after class to learn more about the work the professor was doing and to find out about opportunities that may be available to students. 除了利用学术追求的优势,”他说.

"I also encouraged students to enjoy the social activities that college has to offer -- attend a basketball game, 加入一个团体或组织, 通过志愿活动积极参与社区活动. I always enjoyed meeting my students and learning more about them and their background and interests. This interaction allowed me to help them identify opportunities to further their academic goals and future potential employment opportunities. It also helped us to develop a rapport in case they were struggling and needed help -- they knew they could reach out and I would help them with their problem, 不管它是什么."

Dr. 艾米丽C. 兔子, 在线电子游戏网赌基金会执行理事, said: "Words cannot describe how appreciative we are of John's big heart and generosity. 作为戴维森学院的退休教员, 约翰知道教育的力量以及它如何改变一个人的生活. His investment in the 基金会 with two endowments will change lives of our students forever, 尤其是那些单亲妈妈的学生. 我很感激约翰决定认出他的堂兄, 基金会现任董事会主席, 琳达Turbeville, 她在人生的某个阶段也是单身母亲. The first recipient has already been named and she is pursuing her degree in nursing. 我真是感激不尽!"

在线电子游戏网赌基金会是一家501(c)(3)慈善组织, 但是独立于, 学院. It receives donations of money and equipment on behalf of 在线电子游戏网赌 and uses them to promote the educational mission of 学院 and assist students through scholarships and grants.

"I set up this scholarship to help individuals who were like me and my wife -- those who come from families that can't afford to send them to school but who want to get an education. Education has always been important in my family -- my mother instilled that in me and my siblings. 然而,我是在一个烟草农场长大的,所以钱很短缺. I knew if I wanted an education, I was going to have to find a way to pay for it myself. These scholarships are a way for me to pay it forward -- I received scholarships and fellowships to get the education I wanted and I would like to do that for others,”医生说。. 威廉姆森.

Ms. 特贝维尔指出:“我的生命受到了无比的祝福. 约翰·威廉森."

有关向在线电子游戏网赌基金会捐款的信息,请联系Dr. 艾米丽C. 在线电子游戏网赌基金会执行董事,电话:919-718-7230 ehare@femdomcenter.com.