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Forest Service flies high over 在线电子游戏网赌 Emergency Services Training Center

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Click to enlarge,  An N.C. 林务局飞行员机长M-18空中加油机在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的跑道上投放400加仑的水’s Emergency Services Training Center. Forest Service pilot Ernie Williams made four drops during a Nov. 1 aerial fire fighting ground crew training exercise. Twenty-four Forest Service personnel primarily from the Service’s第2区(皮埃蒙特地区)接受了如何从服务处补充空中加油机的培训’s 4.900-gallon mobile retardant base tanker.

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An N.C. 林务局飞行员机长M-18空中加油机在跑道上投放了400加仑的水 ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  北卡罗莱纳州林务局飞行员厄尼·威廉姆斯看着第五区助理县护林员詹姆斯·杜普雷(左), of Greene County, gives a ‘thumbs-up’ to the crew controlling the tank loading pumps during a Nov. 林务局地勤人员在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的培训课程’s Emergency Services Training Center. District 5 Assistant County Ranger Brandon Hill (center), of Wayne County, has attached the hose to the plane&韦恩县助理县护林员汉娜·汤普森-韦尔奇(Hannah Thompson-Welch,右)观察到的坦克. Twenty-four Forest Service personnel, primarily from the Service’s第2区(皮埃蒙特地区)的人员接受了如何从服务处补充空中加油机的培训’s 4,900-gallon mobile retardant base tanker.

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北卡罗莱纳州林业局飞行员厄尼·威廉姆斯看着第五区助理县护林员詹姆斯 ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  北卡罗莱纳林业局的工作人员(右)操纵水泵,控制其中一个林业局的水流’s Dromader M-18 single engine air tanker as others (back, left) attach the hose and monitor the flow during a Nov. 1 Forest Service training session at Central Carolina Community College’s Emergency Services Training Center. Twenty-four Forest Service personnel, primarily from the Service’s第2区(皮埃蒙特地区)的人员接受了如何从服务处补充空中加油机的培训’s 4,900-gallon mobile retardant base tanker. For a forest fire, the crew would load fire retardant, not water.

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北卡罗莱纳林业局的工作人员(右)操纵水泵,控制水流向1 ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  北卡罗来纳森林服务消防队员看着飞行员厄尼·威廉姆斯和他的指挥官M-18空中加油机在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的跑道上投放400加仑的水’s Emergency Services Training Center. The Forest Service was at the ESTC Nov. 培训其24名人员如何从该处重新装载空中加油机’s 4.900-gallon mobile retardant base tanker.

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北卡罗莱纳州林业局的消防员看着飞行员厄尼·威廉姆斯和他的指挥官M-18在空中飞行 ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  北卡罗来纳州林务局11月11日举行了空中加油机消防地勤人员培训. 1 at Central Carolina Community College’s Emergency Services Training Center. Forest Service District 10 Ranger Ron Hollifield (center, 左)和第10区机械师兰迪·康纳(中)描述了该服务的功能’s 4,900加仑的移动阻燃剂基础油轮(在它们后面),并使用泵将阻燃剂装载到服务中’s single engine air tankers. Twenty-four Forest Service personnel, primarily from the Service’s 2区(皮埃蒙特地区),接受了如何给空中加油机加油的培训.

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北卡罗来纳州林务局11月11日举行了空中加油机消防地勤人员培训. 1 at Central ... (more)

11.15.2010College & CommunityContinuing EducationFacilities/Buildings

桑福德——Dromader M18空中加油机在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院紧急服务培训中心的跑道上低空飞行. 突然,400加仑的水从飞机的水箱中倾泻而出,淹没了下面的区域.

林业局消防学员和训练员们看着这次成功的赛跑,脸上洋溢着笑容. 如果这是一场森林火灾,空中加油机倒的应该是阻燃剂而不是水.

The small air tanker circled the wooded area around the Center, then Forest Service pilot Ernie Williams brought it in for a smooth landing, 滑行到离消防地勤训练员和学员站的地方不远的地方停下来.

Immediately the 24 trainees, 主要来自林务局第二区(皮埃蒙特地区)的五个区, moved into action, 练习支援空中火力压制的地面基地人员操作.

一些人爬上了林务局明亮的黄色大型移动阻燃剂基地作业油轮. 其他人则操控两台大型水泵,将水从基地的加油机输送到飞机上. 还有一些人将长长的消防水管连接到飞机的水箱上,以补充下一滴水. The fire fighting trainees worked quickly and efficiently, using the skills and practicing the safety measures they were learning.

“ESTC是进行这类培训的绝佳场所,因为它以前是一个机场,” said Hannah Thompson-Welch, an assistant county Forest Service District 5 ranger based in Wayne County. I don’t know of any other college that has access to runways. It’s invaluable for training operations such as this.”  

Thompson-Welch is the public information officer for District 5. She is also a fire fighter. 林务局人员经过交叉培训,在需要时协助扑灭森林火灾. At the Nov. 在第一次培训中,她带领六人小组中的一个学习和练习关键的准备工作.

Ron Hollifield, Forest Service District 10 ranger, from Lexington, was in charge of the Region 2 training exercise. Mark Luellen, District 3 retired head forest ranger for Lee County, served as the safety liaison officer. 第二区从萨里县延伸到北安普顿县,向南延伸到罗布森县, including the local area of Chatham, Harnett, Lee and Moore counties.

“Air tankers don’t put out forest fires,霍利菲尔德一边说,一边看着飞机完美地排成一行,等待下一次降落. “They just knock it back so the ground crews can get in there and fight it.”

According to the N.C. Division of Forest Resources web site, in 2009 its personnel fought about 3,300 fires affecting 12,300 acres. 林务局有三架Dromader M18单引擎空中加油机(seat),全部设在金斯顿. 这架波兰制造的飞机翼展60英尺,最初是为喷洒农作物而设计的, 但它的小尺寸和机动性使其成为低空飞越森林火灾并向其倾倒阻燃剂的理想选择.

霍利菲尔德说,移动阻燃剂基地作业油轮是一辆联邦过剩财产燃料油轮,由林务局第二区翻新用于灭火. He said it would have cost $250,000 to buy the tanker new, but the Service was able to buy and refurbish it for only $10,000. 它能装4000加仑的水加上900加仑的防水混合舱.

在投入使用之前,飞机必须返回金斯顿重新装载阻燃剂. Now, the base tanker can be driven to the area of a fire and the planes can load, dump and reload, 节省了关键时间,大大提高了服务部门快速有效的反应能力.

每隔一年与流动阻燃剂基地作业油轮一起进行培训. This was the Service’s first training event at the ESTC. The trainers and trainees were impressed with the facility.

霍利菲尔德说:“ESTC是林务局第二区一个很好的中心位置. “在不与其他飞机竞争的情况下拥有一条跑道是非常宝贵的. 我们希望将ESTC确定为如果该地区发生野火,林务局消防员可以驻扎的地方.” 

有关中央卡罗来纳社区学院紧急服务培训中心的更多信息, go online to or call (919) 776-5601. For more information about the N.C. Forest Service, go to