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在线电子游戏网赌 hosts Robotics Competition

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Click to enlarge,  三里中学的种马队赢得了中央卡罗莱纳社区学院机器人大赛的冠军奖杯和最佳总牌匾, held Nov. 20 at the college’s Lee County Campus. Pictured (from left) are team coach and SanLee science teacher Shannon Willaert; team members Jonah Elliott, Cameron Marks, Brandon Donathan, Stephen Cameron, Angel Reyes, Cameron Lane, Joseph Knight; and assistant coach Sarah Reed. 没有照片的队员是大卫·佩德罗萨特、安东尼·汤普森和德文·鲁迪西尔. The competition, co-sponsored by 在线电子游戏网赌, Communities in Schools, and Lee County Schools, 是一场为第一届乐高联赛做准备的混战,并按照FLL的规则进行. West Lee and SanLee, in Sanford, and two teams from Anne Chestnutt Middle School, in Fayetteville, 参加了这场混战,并将参加2010年正式的FLL锦标赛. 比赛和比赛要求学生团队就一个生物医学问题做一个陈述,然后建造一个乐高机器人并对其进行编程,以执行各种生物医学任务, such as inserting a ‘stent’ in an ‘artery’ made of Legos.

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三里中学的种马队夺得了冠军奖杯和最佳综合奖 ... (more)

三里中学的学生Brandon Donathon(中)和他的团队一起工作’的编程乐高机器人在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院’s Nov. 20 Robotics Competition at the college’s Lee County Campus. 队友Stephen Cameron(左)看着比赛评委John Dills(中), back), of Progress Energy, and Don Hon, principal test engineer for EMC Corporation, take notes. The competition, co-sponsored by 在线电子游戏网赌, Communities in Schools, and Lee County Schools, 是一场为第一届乐高联赛做准备的混战,并按照FLL的规则进行. West Lee and SanLee, in Sanford, and two teams from Anne Chestnutt Middle School, in Fayetteville, 参加了这场混战,并将参加2010年正式的FLL锦标赛. 比赛和比赛要求学生团队就一个生物医学问题做一个陈述,然后建造一个乐高机器人并对其进行编程,以执行各种生物医学任务, such as inserting a ‘stent’ in an ‘artery’ made of Legos.

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三里中学的学生Brandon Donathon(中)正在用他的团队设计的乐高玩具工作 ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  在11月11日举行的最佳设计奖颁奖典礼上,西利中学骄傲队的队员们举着奖牌微笑. 20届中央卡罗来纳社区学院机器人竞赛’s Lee County Campus. Pictured (from left) are Griffin Belknap, Joseph Wilkins, Denis Vielman, Jacob Marshburn (front), Erin Vallancourt, and Rebekah Larsen. 没有照片的团队成员包括Tiffany Vielman、Patrick Yarnell、Gavyn Hatley和Jonathan Payares. The competition, co-sponsored by 在线电子游戏网赌, Communities in Schools, and Lee County Schools, 是一场为第一届乐高联赛做准备的混战,并按照FLL的规则进行. West Lee and SanLee, in Sanford, and two teams from Anne Chestnutt Middle School, in Fayetteville, 参加了这场混战,并将参加2010年正式的FLL锦标赛. 比赛和比赛要求学生团队就一个生物医学问题做一个陈述,然后建造一个乐高机器人并对其进行编程,以执行各种生物医学任务, such as inserting a ‘stent’ in an ‘artery’ made of Legos.

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西利中学骄傲队的队员们微笑着举起他们的最佳设计奖 ... (more)

点击放大,Denis Vielman(左),来自West lee中学’s Pride team, controls the team’s的乐高机器人,而队友雅各布·马什伯恩(右)在11月9日鼓励他. 20届中央卡罗来纳社区学院机器人竞赛’s Lee County Campus. Observing the action is the competition&首席评委Don Hon(站中),EMC公司首席测试工程师. The West Lee team won the Best Design Award for its robot. The competition, co-sponsored by 在线电子游戏网赌, Communities in Schools, and Lee County Schools, 是一场为第一届乐高联赛做准备的混战,并按照FLL的规则进行. West Lee and SanLee, in Sanford, and two teams from Anne Chestnutt Middle School, in Fayetteville, 参加了这场混战,并将参加2010年正式的FLL锦标赛. 比赛和比赛要求学生团队就一个生物医学问题做一个陈述,然后建造一个乐高机器人并对其进行编程,以执行各种生物医学任务, such as inserting a ‘stent’ in an ‘artery’ made of Legos.

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西李中学骄傲队的丹尼斯·维尔曼(左)控制着球队的乐高玩具 ... (more)

11.29.2010ClubsCollege & CommunityStudents/Graduates

 SANFORD — “It feels awesome,” said Jonah Elliott, 他和他的三里中学队友们举起了他们的冠军奖杯和最佳综合奖.

SanLee Stallionss机器人建造队刚刚赢得了中央卡罗莱纳社区大学机器人竞赛, held Nov. 20 at the college’s Lee County Campus.

Teams from SanLee and West Lee Middle School, in Sanford, and Anne Chestnutt Middle School, in Fayetteville, 为了这次比赛,你花了几个月的时间学习和实践吗. All are preparing for the upcoming FIRST Lego League Tournament.

FIRST(科学技术激励和认可基金会)是一个国际非营利组织,它与乐高公司合作举办机器人竞赛,以引起年轻人对数学的兴趣, science and technology.

The local Robotics Competition, co-sponsored by the college, Communities in Schools of Lee County, and Lee County Schools, was a scrimmage, 让本地队伍有机会在FLL比赛前与他们的机器人进行一场比赛.

“比赛鼓励学生们继续学习STEM(科学), technology, engineering and math) studies,” said Virginia Brown, competition coordinator and 在线电子游戏网赌 vocational/technical liaison. “学院是我们社区的高科技资源中心. 机器人竞赛是我们为年轻人提供的另一个社区stem相关项目, like our weekend workshops and summer camps.”

为2010年混战和FLL锦标赛“身体向前挑战,学生团队探索了生物医学工程的世界,建造并编程了乐高头脑风暴机器人来模拟生物医学程序. This included programming the robots to carry out tasks such as inserting a “stent” in a plastic “artery”; placing a Lego “patch” on a “heart”; repairing a broken plastic “bone” with a Lego “cast”; and placing a Lego “pacemaker” into a “heart.”

为比赛和FLL争霸赛做准备是自愿的, after-school activity by the teachers/coaches and the students. They spent several months researching biomedical challenges, preparing a presentation, building and programming the robots, and practicing the tasks with them.

“我希望我的学生在学习中获得乐趣,”三里的科学老师Shannon Willaert说. “They loved doing this. The engineering concepts were there, and they also made friends, learned problem-solving skills, learned teamwork, and found out that there are many ways to solve problems.”

当宣布他们的机器人获得最佳设计奖时,西李骄傲队欢呼雀跃. Coach Shawnteya Hayes, who teaches STEM, 她说,她的学生从9月份就开始参加课外活动了.

“It was fun,” said Joseph Wilkins, of the West Lee team. “We got to do all sorts of fun stuff.”


EMC公司首席测试工程师Don Hon担任首席评委. 自2007年开始比赛以来,他一直参与其中.

“机器人竞赛教会孩子们如何将数学和科学知识应用到他们拥有的日常物品中, like Legos,” he said. “这激励他们把学到的知识用在其他事情上,而不是搭积木. It’s a great activity.”

Other judges for the competition were: John Dills, manager of Operations for Progress Energy; Tony Reece, Instrumentation and Control technician for Progress Energy; Ray Dawson, Senior Training Professional for Pfizer; and Laurie Lympany, engineering technologies recruiter for 在线电子游戏网赌.

乔纳·艾略特不仅仅是在准备和参加比赛时度过了一段美好的时光. 这符合他未来的职业目标——成为一名工程师——甚至可能是一名乐高设计师. 有一天,他的一个设计可能会成为第一届乐高锦标赛的一部分.

中国中交工程技术部主席Steve Lympany听到这个消息后笑了.

“This competition is great,” he said. “The kids are seeing what science and technology are all about. I get a kick out of their creativity. Somewhere in here are our future engineers.”

有关中央卡罗来纳州电子工程技术学位和电子技术证书课程的更多信息, visit the college’s web site,, or call (919) 718-7331. For more about FIRST Lego League, visit